Club Champs, 9 Jun 2024

Thanks to the following for making the event happen:
Moji Opaleye
Rach Waterworth
James Waterworth
Sandra Pedley
Carol Darnell
Charlotte Bruce
Steve Burke
Steve Wellman
Yinka Opaleye
Sarah Newman
I’m missing one LJ helper.

200m Race 1

1 Kitty Kelly U13G 31.0 G

2 Isabella Smith U13G 32.6 S PB

3 Izzy Hilton U13G 33.2 B

4 Sophie Bedingfield U13G 33.3 PB, previous 33.84

5 Martha Woodhall U13G 34.6 PB by 0.3

6 Ellie Newman U13G 35.3 PB

200m Race 2

1 Jamar Eason U13B 32.2 G

2 James Peak U13B 33.1 S PB

200m Race 3

1 Chloe Hays U15G 28.3 G PB, previous 28.53

2 Jessica Waterworth U15G 28.4 S PB by 0.5

3 Annabel Lindsell U15G 29.8 B

4 Anjola Opaleye U15G 29.8 PB by 1.0

5 Freya Ambler U15G 30.2

6 Imogen Reddish U15G 32.6 PB

200m Race 4

1 Samuel Woodhall U15B 25.4 G

2 James Coleman U15B 25.8 S PB, previous 26.09

3 Jacksen Hornagold U15B 27.4 B

200m Race 5

1 Abigail Pudney U17W 26.9 G PB by 1.6

2 Aimee Hays U17W 28.1 S

3 Izzie Newman U17W 29.2 B

200m Race 6

1 Benedict Scott U17M 24.6 G

2 Chris de Stefano M40 24.7 G PB by 0.4; just 0.1 from club VM record; 17th in M40 national raankings)

3 Lewis Cummins U17M 26.3 S PB

4 Simon Bowman SM 27.7 G

800m R1

1 Alastair Reddish U13B 2:37.6 G

2 Iris Purser U13G 2:46.2 G

3 Izzy Hilton U13G 2:50.6 S

4 Kitty Kelly U13G 2:50.7 B

5 Isabella Smith U13G 3:01.5

6 Lucy Hilton U13G 3:02.1 PB by 1.2

7 Hannah Darwin U13G 3:04.1

8 Jamar Eason U13B 3:04.5 S PB by 14.2

9 Sophie Bedingfield U13G 3:06.1

10 Ellie Newman U13G 3:08.6 PB

11 James Peak U13B 3:13.1 B PB

800m R2

1 Lewis Cummins U17M 2:12.3 G

2 Daniel Brook U17M 2:17.9 S

3 Simon Bowman SM 2:21.4 G

4 Finnley Williams U17M 2:23.4 B

5 Charlie Irons U15B 2:26.1 G eq. PB

6 Imogen Reddish U15G 2:47.7 G

7 Izzie Newman U17W 2:50.5 G

8 Chloe Hays U15G 2:57.4 S PB

9 Anjola Opaleye U15G 3:00.9 B PB by 18.3

10 Aimee Hays U17W 3:02.6 S

Long Jump

1 Alexander Scott U17M 5.04 G

2 Abigail Pudney U17W 4.73 G

3 Benedict Scott U17M 4.72 S PB

4 Yinka Opaleye M50 4.32 G

5 Annabel Lindsell U15G 4.05 G

6 Kitty Kelly U13G 3.69 G

7 Anjola Opaleye U15G 3.67 S

8 Jamar Eason U13B 3.57 G

9 Sophie Bedingfield U13G 3.43 S

10 Izzie Newman U17W 3.32 S

11 Chloe Hays U15G 3.27 B PB

12 Jessica Waterworth U15G 3.21 PB by 3cms

13 Hannah Darwin U13G 3.20 B PB

14 Alastair Reddish U13B 3.11 S PB by 5cms

15 Aimee Hays U17W 2.95 B

16 Amelia Darnell SW 2.90 G

17 Lucy Hilton U13G 2.82 PB

18 Izzy Hilton U13G 2.81 PB by 5cms

19 Ellie Newman U13G 2.74

20 Vicky Burke W45 2.43 G

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