- The name of the Club is Huntingdonshire Athletics Club (“the Club”).
- The headquarters of the Club is the athletics track at the One Leisure St Ives Outdoor Centre, California Road, St Ives, Cambridgeshire.
- The aims and objectives of the Club are the promotion of athletics. The Club will:
- Offer athletics coaching and competitive opportunities to Club members.
- Promote the Club within the local community.
- Adhere to the Equal Opportunities/Sports Equity Policy (see Rule 4).
- Adhere to the UKA and England Athletics Codes of Conduct (on club website).
- Adhere to the UKA and England Athletics Child Safeguarding Policy and Child Safeguarding (on club website).
- The Club promotes an equal opportunities/sports equity policy and is committed to ensuring that equity is incorporated across all aspects of its development. In doing so, it acknowledges and adopts the following Sport England definition of sports equity:
- Sports equity is about fairness in sport, equality of access, recognizing inequalities and taking steps to address them. It is about changing the culture and structure of sport to ensure it becomes equally accessible to everyone in society.
- Respects the rights, dignity and worth of every person and will treat everyone equally within the context of their sport, regardless of age, ability, gender, race, ethnicity, religious belief, sexuality or social/economic status.
- Is committed to everyone having the right to enjoy their sport in an environment free from threat of intimidation, harassment and abuse.
- Will make all Club members aware of their responsibility to oppose discriminatory or threatening behaviour and promote equality of opportunity.
- Will deal with any incidence of discriminatory or threatening behaviour seriously, according to Club disciplinary procedures (see Rule 38).
- The club has two registered vest designs, a) green with yellow band, b) black with green/yellow. Either can be worn for any competition with the exception of relays and team races when the same colours must be worn unless otherwise authorised by the Referee.
- The Club operates under the auspices of British Athletics. The Club is affiliated to England Athletics, the South of England Athletics Association, and Cambridgeshire Athletics Association and may be affiliated to other associations or leagues as the Committee may decide from time to time, but limited to bodies operating under the auspices of British Athletics.
- Membership of Huntingdonshire Athletics Club shall be open, and (in accordance with the Club’s Equal Opportunities/ Sports Equity Statement) not unreasonably restricted on the grounds of sex, race or of political, religious or other opinions to any person in the area and who is prepared to accept and support the objectives of Huntingdonshire Athletics Club.
- Membership categories are:
- Junior membership (U11 to U20 age groups [minimum age 9 years; 19 years on 31st December])
- Senior membership (age 20+ years)
- Family membership includes one Club member, a spouse/partner and their children who are aged under 20.
All Club members must complete a Club membership form. Membership forms for athletes under the age of 16 years must be signed by a parent or guardian in addition to the athlete’s own signature. Any person refused membership shall have the right of appeal.
- All members will be subject to the regulations of the Constitution and by joining the Club accept the regulations and codes of conduct that the Club has adopted. The Constitution must be posted on the Club website.
- Life membership may be awarded to any member upon completion of 20 years continuous membership or for outstanding service to the Club. An eligible candidate must be recommended by the Committee and be approved by a majority vote at the AGM.
- Should any member’s conduct render it necessary, he or she may be expelled from the Club by a vote of not less a three quarters majority at a committee meeting. The Club Secretary must officially notify all committee members in advance of any such intention (also see Rule 37).
- The annual subscription will be recommended by the Committee to the AGM, approved by majority vote and will be payable on joining and subsequently due on 1st January each year.
- Membership subscriptions: refer to Addendum 1
- Membership subscriptions will be displayed on the Club website.
- No member whose subscription is 2 months in arrears is eligible to take part in any competition promoted by the Club.
- Membership allows an athlete to train at the One Leisure St Ives Outdoor track during the Club training evenings on receipt of a subsidised training fee to be fixed at the AGM. Non-members who use the track during Club training times must be affiliated to England Athletics (hold an EA registration number) and must pay the agreed training fee to a Committee member. Potential members will be offered up to two free taster sessions. See Addendum 2.
- A member wishing to resign from the Club must give notice to the Secretary. Membership will terminate on the date of that notice unless he/she is financially indebted to the Club, in which case the Committee may withhold acceptance of the resignation until he/she has discharged his/her liability.
- The Management of the Club is vested in a committee consisting of a Chair, Vice Chair, Club Secretary and Treasurer as officers, and up to 11 general committee members. All officers and committee members will be elected annually and will be eligible for re-appointment. Committee members who have not attended at least half of the committee meetings in the previous year will only be put forward for re-election at the Committee’s discretion. The quorum required for business to be agreed at management committee meetings is five members, to include one officer. The committee has the power to fill any vacancy which may arise.
- The Committee:
- Is responsible for the viable operation of the Club and will provide oversight in the following areas: track and field, road and cross country, youth development, child protection, coaching (to include coaches’ development), officials, maintaining Club facilities, maintaining accurate financial records, an awards program, maintaining accurate membership records in accordance with British Athletics stipulations and the Privacy Act, marketing of the Club, a social programme, and a media programme to include press releases, a Club website, and a Club newsletter.
- Will have the power to appoint and delegate powers to sub-committees for any purpose considered desirable.
- As a body, will not be responsible for any personal financial commitment by any of its individual members.
- Is responsible for disciplinary hearings of members who infringe any rule within the Club constitution.
- Is empowered to make a decision on any matter not expressly provided for in these rules.
- Club records will be maintained for all events and age groups.
- For records to be accepted, athletes must be paid-up club members who are competing for Huntingdonshire AC, for a higher claim club or internationally. Times and distances set at school meets will only be recognised at county level and above.
- The Club will not hold itself responsible for the loss of or damage to personal property.
- No Club property may be used away from the St Ives athletics arena without the prior permission of a committee member.
- The club is a non-profit making organisation. All profits and surpluses will be used to maintain or improve the Club.
- The Treasurer will receive and pay all amounts due on account of the Club. The Club’s monies will be banked or invested as the Committee may decide from time to time. Cheques will be drawn on the signature of any two of the three persons authorised by the Committee, one of whom must be the Treasurer. The Treasurer will close out the financial year of the Club (effective 30th September), prepare the annual Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet and submit to the appointed auditor. The Treasurer will provide the Secretary with the Annual Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet, certified by the auditor, at least 7 days before the Annual General Meeting (AGM) for distribution to Club members.
- An AGM, headed by the Chair, will be held annually in November in order to receive the Club Secretary’s report and to approve the audited accounts, elect officers and committee members and to deal with any other matters specified on the agenda. If the Chair is unavailable, another officer must chair the meeting.
- The Club Secretary must give the Club membership at least three weeks’ notice of the AGM.
- Club members should submit the following to the Club Secretary no later than two weeks prior to the AGM:
- Nominations for officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer).
- Nominations for committee members (up to 11).
- Nominations for President and Vice President(s).
- Proposed amendments to the Constitution.
- Any motion deemed appropriate for discussion at an AGM.
- Nominations should be proposed and seconded by two club members (name and signature required), not including the nominee.
- The Secretary will make available to all Club members the Annual Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet, certified by the auditor, and the agenda for the AGM at least seven days before the meeting.
- Paid up first claim members are entitled to vote at an AGM. The quorum for an AGM is 18 eligible (first claim) members, including 3 committee members (to include 1 officer).
- The office of President is to be held annually by a Club member who represents the highest ideals of the Club. The title of Vice President is bestowed annually upon those members whose contributions to the Club have been of the highest standard over the past year. While there can only be one President, there can be more than one Vice President.
- A Special General Meeting must be called by the Club Secretary within 14 days of receipt of a requisition in writing signed by 10 eligible (first claim) members, stating the business to be brought before such a meeting.
- Quorum and voting requirements for a Special General Meeting are the same as for an AGM.
- The Club will nominate a Child Welfare Officer whose name will be displayed prominently on the Club notice board for reference by Club members and their parents/guardians. The Club will ensure that the Officer has access to any required training programmes.
- All coaches and administrators must hold membership of the Club and provide signed written acknowledgement of their acceptance of the contents of this Constitution.
- Huntingdonshire AC subscribes unreservedly to England Athletics Welfare Policy (http://www.englandathletics.org/page.asp?section=458&search=welfare+policy) and all club officers and committee members have responsibility to uphold the welfare policies and procedures, to adhere to good practice and to respond to any suspected breaches.
- All complaints regarding the behaviour of members should be submitted in writing to the Club Secretary. The Committee will meet to hear complaints within 14 days of a complaint being lodged. The Committee has the power to take appropriate disciplinary action including the termination of membership. The outcome of a disciplinary hearing should be notified in writing to the person who lodged the complaint and the member against whom the complaint was made within 14 days of the hearing. There will be the right of appeal to the Committee following disciplinary action being announced. The committee should consider the appeal within 14 days of the Secretary receiving the appeal.
- Athletes, Under 13s and above, must compete in at least one league meet during the summer season to be eligible for club track & field championship medals and plaques.
- A resolution to dissolve the Club can only be passed at an AGM or at a Special General Meeting. The resolution can only be passed if accepted by a majority of first claim club members. In the event of dissolution, after payment of all its debts and liabilities, a Special General Meeting will be held to deal with any outstanding matters and to determine the disposition of any remaining assets of the Club. These assets will be transferred to a charitable or voluntary body with similar objectives as those of the Club and which prohibits the distribution of its income and property among its members except for reasonable and proper remuneration.
- Amendments to this Constitution can only be made by majority vote at an AGM or at a Special General Meeting (see Rules 26 and 33, respectively).
Huntingdonshire Athletics Club hereby adopts and accepts this constitution as a current operating guide regulating the actions of members.
Signed: Chair
Date: November 27th, 2024
Name: Ty Farrer
Position: Club Chair
Signed: Treasurer
Date: November 27th, 2024
Name: Wayne DuBose
Position: Club Treasurer
£35 – Annual membership (all ages)
£60 – Family membership
£100 – Single annual track pass
£180 – Two annual track passes (same household)
£240 – Three annual track passes (same household)
If paying by standing order, please set up to pay from January to September.
– Families are defined as two or more from the same household.
– Qualified coaches or graded officials deemed by the Committee to have contributed sufficiently to the Club over the past year will be offered exemption from subscriptions for the following year.
– Club members are responsible for paying their England Athletics registration fees each year between 1 April to 30 June.
Currently set at £3/training session. Non-members must pay a fee of £3 to use the track during club training sessions and must be affiliated to England Athletics.